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Data : 19-08-09 11:31
National employment support scheme "person receives 50 million won March" ... Job search support costs and subjects?
 author : 운영자
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National employment support scheme "person receives 50 million won March" ... Job search support costs and subjects?


As the employment rate decreased gradually coming out a lot of jobs news related to employment. The country has to review a number of policies relating to employment, increase the employment rate decreased. Of these, today announced plans to pursue a "national employment support scheme" for the next year starting July off the protective net of the current employment insurance system to solve the problem of poverty for low-income job seekers and supply better tailored employment services. The national employment support schemes were established to assist the work through a variety of services for new employment safety net for the vulnerable employment jobs are difficult to financial difficulties. Support for marginalized vulnerable employment in traditional employment safety net makes has attracted the attention of many people for the purpose of the hanmom. Learn more about this "national employment support scheme" to provide a high level of efficient employment services.

'National employment support scheme, which provides a safety net new jobs
National employment support programs can receive employment support services if employment disadvantaged, low-income families are receiving income support system. The national employment support system is yirwojyeo a variety of support services such as job training ▲ ▲ ▲ work experience program, career counseling job ▲ facilitate payments for the livelihood of low-income job seekers. How much income support for the livelihoods of young people during the period of employment and job placement help to be able to get a job. Thus it can be said that a system integrating livelihood support and employment support one. Through this system, career disconnect said the women, youth and the unemployed blind spot safety net for the uninsured can not be hired.

May 50 to promote employment and support allowance to ten thousand won of payment target
National employment assistance that apply in July 2020 institutions have supported employment services and income support. First, the employment of vulnerable groups, such as 18 to 64 years old needy job seekers and career interruption If the youth employment support services destination. The subjects had to establish and promote such employment action plans through individual in-depth consultation ▲ ▲ job placement, vocational training, work experience ▲ welfare services linking of financial and childcare. In addition, income support, helps raise money (to promote employment benefits) requiring livelihood funds. Income support for participants and up to 6 months payments January 500,000 won, if, shall be paid an allowance of up to 1.5 million won if the support person employed by them.

Eligibility and the types of jobs that promote livelihood assistance allowance "based on median household income is below 50%"
Jobs facilitate payments of income support will be paid only for the 'difficult circumstances low-income job seekers' employment of vulnerable groups. This income can support different depending on each type. Type 1 is organized as "screening requirements Type 'and' selected type. The only requirement first look at the type examination and the experience of work in the past, from 18 to 64 years, based on median income, yet less than 50% of a person who is subject to a lot of assets. Selection type of requirement is based on median household income of working experience unmet characters or 10,018 to 64-year-old man from the examination type is less than 120%. This person will support additional selection within budget. On the other hand, if either of the two types of people do not fit in one type of the reference median household income of more than 120% of such closures small business owners is that the two types. Target of type 2 provides a cost partially resulting from job support services. Source: http://nbntv.co.kr/news/view/549567

- Korean - 

취업률이 점점 감소되면서 취업에 관련된 일자리 뉴스가 많이 나오고 있다. 우리나라에서는 감소한 취업률을 증가시키위해 취업과 관련한 여러 정책들을 심의하고 있다. 이 중, 내년 7월부터 현행 고용보험제도의 보호망에서 벗어나 저소득층 구직자에게 빈곤문제를 해결하고 더 나은 맞춤형 고용서비스를 공급하는 ‘국민취업지원제도’를 추진할 계획이라고 발표했다. 이 국민취업지원제도는 경제적 어려움으로 취업이 곤란한 취업취약계층에게 새로운 고용안전망의 다양한 서비스를 통해 취업을 돕기 위해 마련했다. 기존의 고용안전망에서 소외된 취업취약계층을 지원해준다는 목적으로 많은 사람들의 관심을 한몸에 받고 있다. 이에 높은 수준의 고용서비스를 효율적으로 제공하는 '국민취업지원제도'에 대해 자세히 알아보자.

새로운 일자리 안전망을 제공하는 '국민취업지원제도'

국민취업지원제도는 취업취약계층이라면 취업지원 서비스를 받을 수 있으며, 저소득층은 소득을 지원받는 제도이다. 이 국민취업지원제도는 저소득 구직자의 생활 안정을 위한 ▲교육훈련 ▲직업 상담 ▲일경험 프로그램 ▲구직촉진수당 지급 등 다양한 일자리 지원 서비스로 이뤄져있다. 구직 기간동안에 청년들의 생계를 위한 얼마의 소득을 지원하고 직업을 얻을 수 있게 취업 알선을 돕는다. 따라서 생계 지원과 취업 지원을 하나로 통합한 제도라고 말할 수 있다. 이 제도를 통해 경력단절여성·청년 및 고용보험 미가입자들에 대한 일자리 안전망 사각지대가 없어질 것이라고 밝혔다.

월 50만 원 지급하는 구직촉진수당 유형 및 지원대상

2020년 7월에 시행되는 국민취업지원제도는 취업지원서비스와 소득지원이 있다. 우선, 취업지원서비스의 경우 18세~64세의 저소득층 구직자 및 경력단절청년 등의 취업취약계층이 대상이다. 이 대상자들에게는 개인별 심층상담을 통해 취업활동계획을 세우고 ▲취업알선 ▲직업훈련·일경험 ▲금융 및 육아의 복지서비스 연계 등을 추진한다. 더불어, 소득지원은 생계 자금을 요하는 비용(구직촉진수당)을 마련해준다. 소득지원 대상자에게는 최대 6개월 간 월 50만 원씩 지급하며, 만약, 이를 통해 지원 대상자가 취직할 경우 최대 150만 원의 수당을 지급한다.

생계 지원하는 구직촉진수당의 지원자격과 유형 '가구 기준 중위소득이 50% 이하'


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